Welcome to the Climate LinkUP AMP Launch Event: “Building A Resilient Africa”, coordinated and hosted by our AFRICA HUB Team. Expert Panel speakers from science, industry, NGOs, Government and financial organisations will come together onto our global stage: The Globe Arena, to discuss the climate challenges and opportunities for Africa.
With four sessions spanning climate mitigation and adaptation for Africa, we’ve got talks cross-cutting climate sectors from Experts across the African continent. From building environmental resilience to climate change, addressing food and water security, navigating the green energy transition, developing a sustainable governance system – to accessing green finance, we’ve got a diverse line-up of talks from world-class climate experts covering the themes most important to you.
Join our interactive sessions on 1st and 2nd November, amplify the voice of Africa ahead of COP27 and be part of the bigger climate picture for Africa.
- Online Event
- 1 -2 Nov 2022
- Free of Charge
Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your goodness blossom.
Nelson Mandela
Building A Resilient Africa
Day 1: Environment & Green Energy Sessions
Our Event Hosts:
Pius Wamala - Climate LinkUP Lead Ambassador for Team Africa and Senior Green Finance Officer, Uganda Development Bank
Dr. Catherine Mulinde - Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Climate Scientist & Lecturer, Makerere University, Uganda
Samantha Atukunda Kakuru Mwesigwa, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist, Director & Legal Counsel Greenwatch and a practicing Lawyer with experience in climate litigation in Uganda. She is a member of the Environmental Law Alliance Network of public interest lawyers from around the world. Samantha is also a part-time lecturer of Environmental Law and Policy at Uganda Christian University. Samantha has authored key publications on rights-based litigation strategies to secure environmental rights and the rights of Nature, is a Founding Fellow for Women for Environment in Africa and has worked with the Centre for Environmental Rights in Cape Town South Africa.
While Africa has contributed negligibly to the changing climate, less than 4% of global emissions, it stands out disproportionately as one of the most vulnerable regions in the world. This session will discuss how Africa can harness opportunities to adapt and build resilience to climate change impacts - discussing key issues related to loss & damage, climate change dynamics, water and food security, increasing agricultural productivity, reducing pollution and biodiversity protection to enhance resilience.
Dr. Michael Mbogga, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Forestry & Climate Expert, Makerere University, Uganda
Mr. Stephen Mwongela Moses, Founder & CEO @Plusfarm Kenya. Providing IT powered agri-commercialization services to farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Dr Enock Osoro, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Emerging Research Fellow specialising in environmental pollution & climate impacts in the Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation, Kenya
John Benansio, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Acting Head Department of Fisheries Science, University of Juba, South Sudan
Prof. Rob Marchant, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Professor in Environmental Change with expertise across Africa, University of York, UK
Dr. Rosemary Nalwanga, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Water Quality & Fisheries Lecturer at Kyambogo University, and Makerere University, Uganda
Interactive Q&A session. Our Expert Speakers will take your questions from the audience
Africa has the potential to play a leading role as the world energy systems transition to a net zero future. The continent's unique geographic diversity offers significant untapped potential for renewable power (solar & wind), together with a natural reserve of minerals for clean energy technologies. This session brings together leading experts to discuss strategies for accelerating the transition to renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, strategic renewable energy innovations and the challenges & opportunities for just energy transition.
Loy Florence Kyozaire, CEO at Association of Sendea Uganda Ltd and Head of training at the Sendea Academy.
Raul Alfaro-Pelico, Senior Director, Global South, RMI and Adviser, Equatorial Guinea, UNFCCC National Delegation. Overseeing capacity building, workforce development and leadership empowerment efforts in Africa, Islands and Southeast Asia at RMI’s Energy Transition Academy
Dr Joshua Zake, Professional Scientist and Consultant in Sustainable Agriculture, Environment, Natural Resources Management, Climate Change and Renewable Energy
Amos Tamusuza, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Principal Renewable Energy Officer, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Development, Uganda
Interactive Q&A session. Our Expert Speakers will take your questions from the audience
- Online Event
- 01 Nov 2022
- Free of Charge
Building A Resilient Africa
Day 2: Sustainable Governance & Green Finance Sessions
Our Event Hosts:
Pius Wamala - Climate LinkUP Lead Ambassador for Team Africa and Senior Green Finance Officer, Uganda Development Bank
Dr. Catherine Mulinde - Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Climate Scientist & Lecturer, Makerere University, Uganda
Africa has historically contributed amongst the least to global greenhouse gas emissions and yet, up to 118 million of the continent’s poorest people could be at risk from severe drought, unprecedented flood events and extreme heat by the year 2030 due to climate change. This session will discuss the need to address historical inequalities, diverse perspectives and the need to integrate climate justice into sustainable planning and governance systems for the current and future generations of Africa.
Dr. Partick Byakagaba, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and senior lecturer at Makerere University, Uganda with expertise in natural resources policy development /implementation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, ecological governance, regulatory impact assessments and strategic environmental and social assessments.
Nobert Nyandire is a Climate Change Specialist and an Urban & Regional Planner, the National Coordinator of Sustainable Environmental Development at SusWatch, Kenya and has over 15 years experience in climate change adaptation and mitigation, MRV and transparency, Green House Gas (GHG) emissions inventory and reporting.
Emily Kinama is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. Her educational background is LLB and LLM (International law) degrees from the University of Pretoria, South Africa and a post graduate diploma from the Kenya School of Law.
Interactive Q&A session. Our Expert Speakers will take your questions from the audience.
The Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is responsible for less than 4% of annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, yet is most susceptible to the impacts of climate change. Developed countries promised $100 billion a year in support of climate finance for developing countries by 2020. This session will discuss the barriers and opportunities in accessing Green climate finance, experiences in green/climate resource mobilisation and what African countries should look out for at the COP 27 with respect to funding.
Ronald Kaggwa, Head of Production, Trade and Tourism Planning at National Planning Authority (NPA), coordinating the development of the Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy and implementation.
Winnie Chepkemoi, Climate Change Expert at Africa Development Bank, Green Growth and Climate Change Division, providing policy and technical support to countries develop country-specific readiness programs for mobilizing resources from the Green Climate Fund.
Olumide Idowu, Olumide co-founder of the International Climate Change Development Initiative, a non-governmental organisation that aims to produce climate-smart generations throughout Africa.
Felister M. Mombo, Professor and a Natural Resource & Environmental Economist at Sokoine University of Agriculture in the Department of Forest and Environmental Economics.
Interactive Q&A session. Our Expert Speakers will take your questions from the audience.
- Online Event
- 02 Nov 2022
- Free of Charge
Building A Resilient Africa

Samantha Atukunda Kakuru Mwesigwa
Samantha Atukunda Kakuru Mwesigwa is the Director and Legal Counsel Greenwatch, she is a practicing Lawyer with experience in climate litigation in Uganda. She is a member of the Environmental Law Alliance Network of public interest lawyers from around the world. Samantha is also a part-time lecturer of Environmental Law and Policy at Uganda Christian University. Samantha is a practicing advocate with Kakuru and Co. Advocates and a member of the Uganda Law Society, the East African Law Society and the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide. Committed to implementing climate litigation as a strategic tool to address climate rights, Samantha has authored key publications on rights-based litigation strategies to secure environmental rights and the rights of Nature, is a Founding Fellow for Women for Environment in Africa and has worked with the Centre for Environmental Rights in Cape Town South Africa.
DAY 1 Expert speakers
Session 1: Environment

Dr Michael Mbogga
Dr. Michael Mbogga, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Forestry & Climate Expert, Makerere University, Uganda. Dr. Mbogga established Makerere University Centre for Climate Change Research and Innovations (MUCCRI) and his research has focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation interventions in Uganda. He teaches forestry and climate change, GIS, hydrology and watershed management, land use policy and law, and watershed management. Professionally, Contributing to climate change R&D in Uganda, Dr Mbogga, has supported the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), Nationally Determined Contributions planning process and Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

Stephen Mwongela Moses
Mr. Stephen Mwongela Moses is the Founder & CEO at Plusfarm Kenya Ltd, an agritech startup based in Kenya. At Plusfarm Kenya, Stephen helps advance access to technologies to smallholder farmers as well as build resilience and inclusion in agricultural value chains. Some of the current projects include managing commercial farms and training thousands of farmers in Kenya on sustainable agriculture. Stephen Moses with Team have developed Plusfarm Agribusiness Management System (PAMS) – a knowledge-based management software that helps farmers in data-driven decision-making for improving productivity and profitability.

Dr Enock Osoro
Dr. Enock Osoro, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Emerging Research Fellow, specialises in environmental pollution & climate impacts in the Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation, Kenya. Dr. Osoro has significant experience in research, policies formulation & analysis and training in chemical analysis and environmental pollution. Enock’s expertise includes: Ecological risk assessment, analysis and monitoring of of pollutants in the environment, in addition to investigating the efficiency of removal/remediation techniques for environmental chemical pollutants.

John Sebit Benansio
Mr. John Sebit Benansio, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Acting Head, Department of Fisheries Science, College of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies University of Juba, South Sudan. John’s research program focuses on climate change, livelihoods and adaptive capacity of the fishing communities of Sudd Wetlands, South Sudan; climate change and gender related dynamic in the fishing communities of Sudd Wetlands. Mr. Benansio is a author of scientific articles published in top journals, and a peer reviewer of international journals including Acta Oecologica, the Zoological Society of London’s EDGE of the Existence Fellowship Programme and International Journal for Sustainability and Development.

Prof. Rob Marchant
Rob Marchant, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Professor in Environmental Change, University of York. His main research interest is focussed on the processes and dynamics of environmental change. Prof. Rob Marchant co-ordinates the York Institute for Tropical Ecosystem (KITE); a research group that explores the relationship between ecosystem dynamics, climate change, and human impacts, particularly in Eastern Africa. Rob works closely with organisations across developing nations including the National Museums of Kenya, the Africa Conservation Centre, WWF-Tanzania, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre and the Universities of Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Nelson Mandela (Arusha), Sokoine and Ghana at Legon.

Dr Rosemary Nalwanga
Dr. Rosemary Nalwanga, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Lecturer at the Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, Makerere University. She is also a visiting Scholar at Africa Centre of Excellence in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science (AquaFish), Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR, Bunda Campus), MALAWI, University of Rwanda-Nyagatare Campus. Dr. Nalwanga’s research program focusses on climate change adaptation and resilience, antimicrobial resistance management, aquaponics and fisheries management. She is currently the Secretary of the Organisation for Women in Science from Developing countries (OWSD)-Uganda National Chapter. She is also a member of OWSD and IWA.
Session 2: Green Energy

Loy Florence Kyozaire
Loy Florence Kyozaire Loy is the CEO at the association of Sendea Uganda LTD, a local corporative which supports local SMEs in the solar industry to be investor ready. She doubles as the head of training at the Sendea Academy and she is an experienced Electrical Engineering Professional with over 14 years of experience spanning areas of solar energy, sales and marketing of On-grid and off-grid energy systems, and results-oriented management. She has spearheaded various capacity-building programs at the Sendea Academy which has impacted over 400 participants with the majority being technical personnel and self-employed or freelance technicians. . An advocate for better policies to create an enabling environment for local renewable energy businesses and an inclusive gender economy.

Raul Alfaro-Pelico
Raul Alfaro-Pelico is the senior director of RMI’s Energy Transition Academy within the Global South Program. Raul leads RMI’s capacity development efforts to secure a net-zero future for all. The Academy supports senior- and mid-level energy practitioners in utilities, renewable and distributed energy companies, and regulatory bodies enabling the clean energy transition.Raul brings over 20 years of sustainability leadership accelerating the net-zero transition, catalyzing investment for impact, and managing environmental, social, & governance (ESG) risks to deliver on the returns behind the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Raul advises national delegations to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a member of the African Group of Negotiators Expert Support network.

Dr Joshua Zake
Dr. Zake is a Natural Resource and Environmental Management Ugandan Scientist, with experience in implementation of community development projects and consultancies in Uganda, in the sectors of agriculture, environment and natural resources. Dr Zake serves in various capacities including: leadership, governance, management, capacity building, technical & strategic guidance and structured engagement with development partners including United Nations Development Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Environment Programme to deliver on shared goals. He is the Strategic Advisor at Regenerate Africa and Proprietor of Integrated Farms, Uganda.

Amos Tamusuza
Amos Tamusuza, Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Principal Energy Officer in the Renewable Energy Department at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda. For the past 10 years Amos has worked on R&D projects focusing on Sustainable Energy Solutions and Clean Technologies for sustainable development. He has spearheaded and implemented development projects, conducted baseline surveys and participated in implementation of research and community development projects, including solar dryer projects which have yielded tangible prototypes ready for scaling out in farming communities including a hybrid sensor controlled solar dryer. Amos has also supervised a number of research projects on solar dryers, vermicomposting and renewable energy extraction from bio-waste.
Building A Resilient Africa
DAY 2 Expert speakers
Session 3: Sustainable Governance

Dr. Patrick Byakagaba
Dr Patrick Byakagaba is a Climate LinkUP Expert Panelist and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Management, School of Forestry, Makerere University. He has been a visiting scholar at Brown University, Providence, USA and Texas A&M University, College Station, USA, and is a visiting Lecturer at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania where he teaches on a regional Forest Science PhD Program. Dr Byakagaba has served on policy working groups as an academic, that prepared Uganda’s policy and legal frameworks relevant to climate change notably the Climate Change Policy,2015, Climate Change Act, 2021, Nationally Determined Contribution, 2015 and 2022, and National REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan, 2017. He is a member of Climate Change Action Network of Uganda and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Research and Independent NGOs observers. Dr Byakagaba is the current Chair of Uganda Forestry Working Group.

Nobert Nyandire
Mr. Nyandire is a Climate Change Specialist and an Urban & Regional Planner. He is currently a PhD candidate pursuing climate change and adaptation at The University of Nairobi. Nobert has over 15 years experience in climate change adaptation and mitigation, MRV and transparency, Green House Gas (GHG) emissions inventory and reporting. Over his career, Nyandire has worked for/collaborated with different International NGOs (CAN International), UN Agencies (UNEP) and Regional NGOs in Kenya and Across the World Implementing Projects in East Africa (Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. Mr. Nyandire has also been coordinating various climate change Programs in different organizations he has worked for. He has vast experience insSustainable development programmes, adaptation action planning, promoting environmental education and policy advocacy, and proven skills in environmental planning and management including result based project monitoring, evaluation and implementation.

Emily Kinama
Emily Kinama is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. Her educational background is LLB and LLM (International law) degrees from the University of Pretoria, South Africa and a post graduate diploma from the Kenya School of Law. She currently works as a litigation and research counsel at Katiba Institute in Nairobi, Kenya an institution that was established after the promulgation of the 2010 Constitution to promote constitutionalism in Kenya. She conducts public interest litigation, research and publishes articles on constitutional and human rights issues. Her professional background includes working as a law research clerk to the Justices at the Supreme Court of Kenya as well as the Constitutional Court of South Africa. She has also previously worked in academia as an academic associate at the faculty of law, University of Pretoria and a part time lecturer at the faculty of law, the African Nazarene University. Emily has a passion working with marginalized communities on issues related to community land rights, socio economic rights, access to justice, environmental rights and cultural rights.

Seyifunmi Adebote
Seyifunmi Adebote is a leading environmental and communication practitioner with over 8 years of active experience across national, regional and international scopes. His works span environmental policy and communication, multimedia strategy, international diplomacy and youth mobilization. He has over eight active years of experience working across broadcast, print and digital industries leading branding and data-related projects. He hosts the Climate Talk Podcast and works with other environmentalists, activists and development experts around the world to strengthen youth inclusiveness in global climate negotiations, as well as support the growing climate-smart start-ups’ industries across the African continent. His work has been featured by local and international media stations including CNN, BBC, CNBC, TVC, and Bond UK, amongst others.
Session 4: Green Finance

Ronald Kaggwa
Mr. Ronald Kaggwa is Head of Production, Trade and Tourism Planning at the National Planning Authority. He coordinated the development of the Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy and is overseeing its on-going implementation including the development and implementation of programme and sector strategic plans. Currently, he is overseeing the development of the Uganda Green Financing Strategy. He has interest in Natural Capital Accounting, Green Economy and environmental policy. He participated in many technical studies that informed Uganda’s National Development Frameworks including the formulation of Uganda Vision 2040, the National Development Plan (NDP I, II and III), Mr. Kaggwa is a key player in national, sub-regional, regional and global initiatives on sustainable development. Ronald participated in the UNCSD (Rio+20) negotiations and the Open Working Group discussions on SDGs and supported their integration into Uganda’s development frameworks.

Winnie Chepkemoi
Winnie Chepkemoi is an international development expert with experience in policy practice, social research, and multi-country programs. She has expertise in project development, implementation and stakeholder management. Her vast experience cuts across private and donor supported organizations. Currently, she serves as Climate Change Finance and Readiness Expert at the Green Growth and Climate Change Division of the African Development Bank. In this capacity, she provides policy, capacity building, and technical support to African countries to enable them mobilize resources from the Green Climate Fund. Her current focus is on lusophone countries, including Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Equatorial Guinea.In her previous roles, she led the Multilateral Affairs function at the Embassy of Sweden in Kenya, charged with coordinating and reinforcing the relationship and partnership between the embassy, the United Nations Environmental Programme, European Union, and the UN-Habitat.

Olumide Idowu
Olumide Idowu is co-founder of the International Climate Change Development Initiative, an NGO that aims to produce climate-smart generations throughout Africa while also tackling development disparities. He also serves as the UNDP Small Grants Program’s Youth Focal Point in Nigeria, as well as the Youth Lead Author of the Global Environmental Outlook (GEO6) and the Executive Coordinator of the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change. He is a former Atlas Corps Fellow and an alumnus of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) in the United States. Mr. Idowu is a climate change activist from Nigeria. He promotes environmental awareness and a balanced approach to the growth and protection of the environment. Mr. Idowu has been actively involved in climate change activism for the past 12 years and is strategically positioned to engage both younger and older generations through his active engagement in climate change organizations and social media, where he is known as’ Mr. Climate.’

Prof. Felister M. Mombo
Prof. Felister M. Mombo a Tanzanian and a Natural resource & environmental economist employed by Soikoine University of Agriculture in the Department of Forest and Environmental Economics. Her PhD focussed on: A new institutional economics approach to evaluate management options for wetlands: the case of Kilombero valley wetlands in Tanzania. She has worked in the field of Natural resources and environmental economics and allied sciences for more than 20 years under various capacities. Prof. Mombo has participated in a number of researches and consultancies both at national and international capacities in collaborations with USAID-CDM Smith, Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Education (NUFU)-Royal Norwegian Government, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)-UK, Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF) and Fauna and Flora International (FFI), World Bank, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)/Noragric, Belgium Technical Cooperation (BTC, now know as ANEBEl) and NASA/University of Michigan. She has more than 60 research works’ publications cited in national and international peer reviewed journals in the field of economics and business, social, and earth sciences.

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